Monday, June 24, 2013




I faithfully followed Becky’s protocol,  drank  smoothies and carrot juice, ate fruits,  vegetables, nuts and seeds and learned to sprout and make fermented Kombucha tea.  I was surprised how weak I am and how hard it was facing a future without the foods I loved.    I learned about addictions I never knew I had!  There were always voices in my head telling me to eat bread, chips, cookies, candy or cheese.  Sometimes I'm weak but there are times I’m strong and make better choices.  It's time to find meaning and fun in other things beside  food.   
Food was never supposed to be the comforter!  The Holy Ghost is the true comforter, but sometimes we comfort ourselves with food and the things of this world.  The Holy Ghost, the true comforter,  is a wonderful gift.   The Lord said, "And I will send upon him the Comforter, which shall teach him the truth and the way whither he shall go.......Wherefore, let your heart be glad, and fear not, saith your Lord, even Jesus Christ." Doctrine and Covenants 79: 2-4  The Holy Ghost will help us overcome our addictions.  I have two brothers who are addicted to alcohol but I'm no different than an alcoholic when it comes to food and desserts.  I need God's help to conquer my addictions! 

When I find evidence that supports a raw diet it's easier to stay on course.
“Living under conditions of modern life, it is important to bear in mind that the refinement, over processing and cooking of food products either entirely eliminates or in part destroys the vital elements in the original material.”  United States Department of Agriculture 
Apostle John A. Widtsoe said,  “…plants contain all necessary food substances: proteins, fats, starches, and other carbohydrates, minerals,  water and vitamins.  The great builder of the earth provided well for the physical needs of his children.”
Hippocrates, the father of medicine said,  “That wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, your food shall be your medicine and your medicine shall be your food.” 
For thousands of years, plants have been a primary source of medicinal healing.  Herbal teas are combinations of nutrient rich herbs that help keep the body balanced and healthy.  They’re a wonderful part of family medicine.  Greens are one of the easiest and best foods you can add to your diet.  They’re packed with nutrients - iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, folate, vitamins K, C, E and many of the B vitamins.  They’re  low in carbohydrates and rich in fiber;  slow to digest and help you feel full longer. They enhance elimination plus are good for the immune system. 

                                             My garden of greens and herbs.

My new life centers on making smoothies, drying and freezing food, and sprouting.  Most of my food is blended, which is perfect for Wilf.  Dr. Ann Wigmore, who discovered the healing properties of wheat grass juice, lived the last several years of her life almost completely on blended foods, a large part consisted of sprouts and greens.  She noticed her blended foods were assimilated more easily.  She even blended her apples so not to waste energy.  She noticed that eating blended foods gave her superior health and cut her hours of sleep down to two hours per night. She was in excellent health, always running, never walking, and at the age of 82, she didn’t have a single gray hair.
Blending is good but it’s nice to have food to chew. There are many raw food books with delicious recipes including raw macaroons, banana nut cookies, varieties of salads, kale chips, maple nuts, and a key lime pie.    I especially love a delicious raw tomato soup with lemon juice, garlic, zucchini, cucumbers and avocado.  Wilf makes fresh juice with carrots, celery, beets and apples.  There is no shortage of things to eat;  it's plentiful, most desirable and easy to prepare!  There is so much variety and abundance we need two refrigerators! 

                            My family prepared all RAW foods for my birthday!

After a few weeks eating raw, cooked foods begin to lose their appeal!  When I see people loading their plates with cooked foods I feel sad for them.  Satan must be pleased and I can almost hear him laughing.   I pray for strength to turn away from the cooked food I love!    
My weight finally started going down  instead of up, an added blessing, plus Wilf’s swallowing problem improved as he followed  the smoothie and fresh juice diet along with me.  We make fresh orange juice every morning and he keeps us supplied with fresh vegetable juice. I couldn't do this without him! Parkinson’s also changed his life!    
The holidays are very different without our favorite treats.  Holidays are all about sweets and treats and I have a hard time resisting the candy,  bread and chips.  I was disgusted with my lack of self control!  I was weak like a smoker who returned to smoking!  I tried to think less of food and more of Christ, and I continually asked God for strength.       
Depression is part of Parkinson’s and can come over me in an instant; it's those times  I want something sweet to eat.  but sugar makes the tremors worse.  If I took the drugs  for Parkinson’s perhaps I could eat more sweets but the weight would come back.  I have to remind myself it’s not worth it! 
                                              An Ode to Raw Christmas      by Lori Clayton
Do delusions of Sugar Plums spin in your head, While you lie wide awake just envisioning bread? Does that pretty black dress seem a little too small?   Did your feet take a beating at the local mall?  Do you go to the parties in deep contemplation,  Just wondering how to get past  temptation?  Trade the cocktails for mocktails, don’t pack on the pounds!  Give your colon a break or  you’ll feel slightly bound.  Take a deep breath and exhale, pop an enzyme or two,  Try a foot rub, a scalp rub,  raw cookies will do.  Have a bite here or there, no need to deprive, But remember how raw food makes you feel so alive!  Be true to yourself, cuz it’s all up to you!  Give a smile,  a hug,  eat a kale chip or two!
When the parties are over and the fun’s all been had,  You’ll wake up next year and you’ll feel very glad,  That you watched what you ate and you knew how to breathe,  You’ll feel rather great and have little to grieve.  Go out for a walk with a spring in your step,  So happy were you to have NOT overslept!  Find a cooked or SAD person who’s walking too slow,  Just sit down and tell them the treasures you know!  Blessings surround with each apple slice,  The chard wraps, the spinach, it’s all very nice!  Be grateful and humble you are who you are,  Because of your diet you shine like a star!!!
It may not be easy but it would be worth it if I could get my health back.  It's a good way to lose weight because it’s much easier to overeat cooked foods than raw foods! I still cook for my family but I try to eat  salad, veggies and fruits.  When we go out to dinner I eat salads, or vegetarian and I order the most benign thing on the menu.  I've discovered that I enjoy being with people more than eating like I used to.  

                                                  Having fun with our family. 
One of the most amazing ways we can take control of our life is in our food choices.  Food can give us vibrant energy or make us tired.  It can ensure our health or cause disease.  It can be a slow poison or our best medicine.  Eating natural, raw  and organic food is  necessary if we want health and harmony in our body, mind and spirit.  This is essential for joyful living.   We become what we take into our bodies, physically and mentally.  If we want to live in the land of paradise, we must drink lots of pure clean water and eat the foods of paradise -  fresh fruits and vegetables.  Water carries nutrients through the body but city water is loaded with toxic chemicals. The wisest purchase we made is our water filter.  Hunger pains are often caused by dehydration. Distilled water is good for cleansing, eliminating toxins and inorganic substances that are not assimilated by the body.    
After eating raw for several months I felt my strength come back.  Becky told me my life force had returned and my body wanted to live, heal, and be well.  I could  see more clearly and walk without  pain.  I had more energy and  my weight problem was  solved.  My desire for cooked food and sweets was mostly gone along with my addictions!  My body was getting stronger each day,  and  I felt  a new aliveness and vibrant energy.
                                    Cindy made a delicious RAW birthday cake.
“Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience;  for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy.”  Izaak Walton
My future is unknown but I have hope that someday the tremors will stop and my handwriting will return.  Wilf gave me another priesthood blessing and said I would go through some hard things before I’m well, but I would get well!   


  1. This is absolutely beautiful mom. You truly have a gift with words and putting your emotions and feelings on paper. I thought this was so positive and uplifting. What an example for anyone struggling through health issues. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait for you to write more.
