After our trip to Cambodia I went to a see a doctor about my shaking hand and painful tailbone. Constantly feeling weak and sick with flu like symptoms made me question whether there was something seriously wrong with my health. I always loved inviting people to dinner, now every part of my body hurt when I worked in the kitchen for just a few hours. I blamed the extra weight I gained since our mission, but Wilf was still strong with his extra weight and I couldn’t keep up with him. Health problems were a new and unwelcome experience for me; I hoped I wasn’t becoming one of the many sick among us.
Abundance of food and family at home!
The doctor suspected I had a benign essential tremor and a Tarlof cyst on my spine, so she ordered an MRI. I hated the MRI, the “tunnel of terror,” but it showed the cysts on my tail bone and I was grateful to find answers. Cysts were causing the pain in my back and possibly the reason I was weak and slow. The doctor referred me to a physical therapist who showed me exercises to strengthen my body and regain muscle strength.
Wilf’s swallowing problem was getting worse but the doctors didn’t have any answers for him, so we went to see our friend, Becky Johnson, a master herbalist and energy worker. She said we both needed more raw fruit and vegetable juices in our diets. Returning to the SAD – STANDARD AMERICAN DIET- didn’t do us any good! We were better off living in Cambodia with all the wonderful fruits, vegetables and coconuts. It was time to begin a healthier lifestyle and exercise program. Years earlier I healed a stomach ulcer, bladder infections, and arthritis with diet and herbs. Hopefully I could also turn these health problems around.
Heidi, my sweet friend and a gifted healer, did energy work and spinal touch on my back and I felt the heavy pressure leave my body as she worked on me. It was surprising how much pressure I was carrying, no wonder cysts were pressing down on my spine. There was pressure with our son’s business; we were up to our ears in financial entanglements just to keep it going, and pressure to finish my book, plus pressure trying to keep up with our large family. We were speaking about our mission in church firesides and keeping the Job Foundation going. It was time to stop running faster than we have strength, and let go of the pressures at home that were weighing us down.
Wilf was also helping his Dad, who was failing fast. He and his siblings set up a schedule so Dad could live at home, but only three weeks into the new schedule he suddenly passed away. We were in California with Shelly when we got the phone call that he was gone. It was hard losing our one remaining parent, and we were devastated that he died alone with us far away. We flew home and went straight to his lonely house. His spirit had finally fled his earthly prison and we were happy for him. His children planned his funeral and sorted through the remnants of his life. He saved every penny so he could leave everything to his five children, who planned and carried out his funeral with love and cooperation. They were amazing and I felt privileged to be part of them.
The Stagg family at Dad's grave.
Our family continued to grow with the untimely birth of our tiny granddaughter, Arianna, our 33rd grandchild. She was born twelve weeks early when Lori suddenly went into premature labor. She came so fast there was nothing that could be done to stop her. We all knew it would be a miracle if she lived, but we believe in miracles! If anybody can bring on miracles it is Ron and Lori! They are so faithful and obedient!
Tiny granddaughter, born too soon.
George Q. Cannon said, “No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, God will never desert us. He never has and He never will. We may pass through the fiery furnace; we may pass through deep waters; but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge through these trials and difficulties the better and purer for them, if we only trust in our God and keep his commandments.”
We were up to our ears in the deep waters again and needed to give our burdens and pressures to the Savior. He carried me through all the trials of our mission, and would also carry me at home if I let him.
“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Savior.” Isaiah 43: 2-3
After many hours at the computer I thought my book was finished. I was excited to meet Georgia Davis from Lunar Publishing, who also served a mission to Cambodia with her husband. She agreed to look at my book and help me publish it. I planned to print enough copies for my family, but Karyn Grant, my friend and gifted spiritual healer, told me I should order five hundred copies. She said my mission wasn’t finished yet, I still had work to do and the Lord was leading me where he wanted me to go. She suggested I get more rest plus drink Asea water to help restore my health.
It took many more hours working with Georgia, rewriting and editing, but my book was finally complete and at the printers. I felt the Lord’s help writing the tender story about the death of my parents, and healing my grief and guilt. Instead of charging for my book I decided to accept donations for our Job Foundation. It was so exciting when Georgia and her husband delivered the heavy boxes of my finished book and I saw it in print. I had so much fun giving it to family and friends, but I was disappointed in the mistakes and small pictures. I’m a perfectionist so it would never be good enough!
Finished at last!
When my sister, Vicki, read my book she cried and said it was all true and the best thing she ever read. I was so touched I also cried, maybe it was written especially for her! I was amazed how many people loved reading my book and were inspired by it. People came to my home wanting copies and gave us donations for the Foundation. All the donations we received went to help the members in Cambodia! We received this sweet message from the senior couple serving in Battambang:
Finished at last!
When my sister, Vicki, read my book she cried and said it was all true and the best thing she ever read. I was so touched I also cried, maybe it was written especially for her! I was amazed how many people loved reading my book and were inspired by it. People came to my home wanting copies and gave us donations for the Foundation. All the donations we received went to help the members in Cambodia! We received this sweet message from the senior couple serving in Battambang:
“We have realized (watching from the sidelines) how much your Foundation has affected the lives of the people in Battambang. We see the people who have been taught how to read their own language. When we listen to the members play the piano we can tie their abilities directly back to you and your Foundation. At difficult times in their lives many members have received food. Thank you so much. Many people serve missions and then go home and their mission is but a wonderful memory. In your case you have kept on serving and we are so impressed with the service you have given the LDS community here in Battambang. You have made an impact on the members here that seems in many ways to keep on giving.”
The truth is the members in Cambodia have made an eternal impact on us and our mission keeps giving back to us! We finally attended the Cambodian Branch in Salt Lake City and we loved meeting the members. I was blessed to remember the language and I bore my testimony in Khmer. It was a joy worshipping with Khmer members and we felt the same sweet spirit we found in Cambodia. Surely the Lord must love these humble and gracious people!
Member family receiving much needed food.
We loved teaching firesides about our mission and telling everyone about the beautiful members in Cambodia and showing our mission pictures. Every time we spoke about our mission we were energized and filled with the Spirit! We gratefully received donations for our foundation when they ask for my books. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a wonderful blessing that energizes me and puts words in my mouth. I missed those experiences that are so common for missionaries, but sharing our mission experiences was the most exhilarating thing I’ve ever done. Speaking about Cambodia and the wonderful members brought me so much joy and enthusiasm without any fear or trembling! It was a miracle!
“Behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father.” Doctrine & Covenants 15: 6
Member family in Hong Kong sealed in the temple.
In spite of our health problems and trials at home my heart was filled with gratitude for our missions to Rose Park and Cambodia, the sweetest work I’ve ever done! Our tiny granddaughter not only survived but is a strong and healthy little girl who brings joy to our family! Miracles never cease for those who believe!
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