Monday, June 24, 2013




The stress of our boys business became increasingly heavy as they faced going without paychecks and possibly shutting down. We struggled to know whether we should support them with our retirement.  We were not only sick but confused, and weary.  Surely these are the times that men’s (and women’s) hearts fail.   After much fasting and prayer we decided to take our retirement and help the boys in their business.  It went against all worldly wisdom and sensibility, but what if the Lord gave us that money for such a time as this?  What if this was a test of faith to teach us to rely on God and not our retirement?   We’ve always been in his capable hands and he has provided for us our entire life! 

                                      Happy family at Flaming Gorge.                         
If our health problems were the Lord’s way of getting our attention it was working!  My body was falling apart.  My back, eyes, ears, feet, and knees were giving me trouble, I had more cysts and my right foot was shaking.  If that wasn’t enough the dentist said I needed surgery on the root of my front tooth which was still infected after two root canals and surgery in Cambodia.  After Wilf gave me a beautiful blessing I was hopeful.  He said I would have the health and strength to do all that I need to do.  I chose not to have surgery but treat the infection, and try to save my front tooth.        
Marisol said it was time to do the next phase of my cleanse, draining my lymphatic system.  When the lymph is clogged and congested the body cannot heal. We bought a T Zone vibration machine that helps with lymphatic drainage.  Karyn took me to Dr. Allen,  a kind, young Chiropractor, who uses muscle testing to know what‘s going on In the body.  I tested very high with heavy metals and pesticides - especially mercury and arsenic.  When he saw my shaking foot he suggested I go to a neurologist to see if I had Parkinson’s Dis-ease.  He started me on the long process of detoxing and rebuilding my body.  I felt the Lord leading me and I was grateful to finally get some answers.

                                                Happy and healthy days!
When I told Becky my body was attacking me she said,  “No Suzanne, you didn’t take care of your body, now it’s sick.”  “Can I be honest with you?” she asked.  “It’s absolutely critical that you eat mostly raw and living foods or you will be very unhappy where you’re going.”   She shared her healing protocol with me and encouraged me to start immediately.  To restore my health I needed a RAW diet with lots of fresh juices, especially fresh carrot juice which cleans the liver.  She told me it was possible for me to get well and have a healthy and younger body.   By eating a raw diet and taking supplements,  I would begin the long process to cleanse and nourish my body so it could heal. 
Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes in their wholesome state begins cleansing toxins throughout the body.   Toxins not only drain our energy and make us sluggish and sick,  they can interfere with spiritual growth by blocking our ability to clearly receive messages from heaven. 
To detoxify our bodies we needed to change our diet and avoid foods contaminated with hormones and pesticides, and eliminate caffeine, and carbonation.  I’ve made lots of bad choices in the past concerning my health, now I prayed that my mistakes could be undone if I turned my life around.  In 1968, President Ezra Taft Benson talked about the need for vegetables, fruits, grains:
“We need a generation of people who eat in a healthier manner, the closer these can be to their natural state – without over refinement and processing.  The less refined without additives, the healthier it will be for us.  We are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth, and lacking the energy that could be ours because we overindulge in junk foods…we need a generation of young people like Daniel, who eat in a more healthy manner than to fare on the king’s meat, whose countenances show it…”   

                                               Making healthier choices.

President Benson would be even more shocked today if he saw so many of us in our obese and unhealthy condition.  I wasn’t surprised when the neurologist said I had all the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, only grateful to finally learn what was wrong with me.  Parkinson’s may be a clock ticking away my life, but I was hopeful I could beat it. 
The medical profession believes that Parkinson’s disease occurs when the brain stops making an important chemical called dopamine.  This chemical helps the body move and also helps with a positive mood.  Parkinson’s has early warning signs, but is not usually diagnosed for 5 to 6 years. Early diagnosis is the best chance for a longer, healthier life, but the doctor said it appeared to be progressing fast in my body.  
The early signs of Parkinson’s are:  shaking or tremors,  twitching of limbs, small handwriting,   loss of smell, trouble sleeping,  sudden movements during sleep, trouble walking or moving, stiffness in arms or legs, stiffness or pain in shoulders or hips,  constipation, dizziness or fainting, a soft voice,  a masked face, and stooping or hunching over.
I had some of these signs for at least four years.  My tremor started a long time ago and my handwriting changed six months after our mission.    My right eyelid began drooping several years earlier, my voice changed and it was hard to speak because my mouth was out of balance.  Even though the doctor said my shaking was a Benign Essential Tremor, I felt there was something more serious, especially when my handwriting became smaller and my voice softer.  I was dizzy, lifeless and tired and it was difficult getting up and down.           
I always thought I would live a long and healthy life like my parents, now my path would be very different than theirs.  Feelings of depression washed over me as the fear of not being able to function hit me.  I hated the thought that I would be a burden on my family, in many ways it would be better if I had cancer and died.   All this was happening the same time we faced losing the business and having three families go without paychecks.  I fought feelings of despair and hopelessness.  “Dear God, please give us the strength to walk through this dark night and find the light,” we prayed.
                                       The Lord loves these precious families! 

Our prayers were answered and we felt strength as we kept walking forward with faith.  We started the new diet and decided to get a home equity loan for the business.   When we drove to the bank, I felt peaceful and unafraid and very grateful that we could get the money so easily.  I had faith the Lord would provide for us as he always had and correct our course if we were on the wrong path!  
We hoped to serve another mission, but the Lord had a different plan for us.  There is such a great need for senior couples.   

                                        Missionary Zone Conference in Cambodia.

When we were serving our mission a general authority told us most seniors cannot accept a call to developing countries because of health problems.  Some couples cannot serve full time missions, but there are lots of opportunities to serve. There will be many people looking for answers to health problems,  perhaps we could be witnesses for healing.  The scriptures teach:   
“And if you shall ask the Father in my name, in faith believing, you shall receive the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance, that you may stand as a witness of the things of which you shall both hear and see…”  Doctrine & Covenants 14: 8
There was still so much for me to do!     I always thought I would be strong and healthy to welcome the Savior at his coming, now my future was a big question.  “Will he come before my health runs out?  What does he want me to do with the time I have left?”  I prayed for strength and courage, but I had no idea what a hard challenge was ahead for me!

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