Missy delivered a strong and healthy baby boy by C-section. We were grateful for a good doctor who cared about her and her safety. I was especially grateful to be there to help her after being in Cambodia during her first birth.
Missy's new born son - Jaxton
Putting in a new yard is a big job, even for young people! We worked hard planting roses, trees, shrubs and flowers and we hired a landscaper to put in the sprinkling system and the lawn. Wilf did everything I couldn't do. He was still strong, in spite of his surgery, and we made a good team! Our missions taught us to work well together!
We were shocked and disappointed when six weeks after the surgery Wilf’s throat shut down again and our insurance canceled us because we moved to Utah County. I felt my heart would faint with the financial burdens of our health and our business. God was trying to get our attention and we were ready to listen! It’s much easier taking care of your health than trying to rebuild it and it’s much easier putting weight on than taking it off! I always hated my body; I was too thin or too heavy, never just right. Perhaps that’s the reason my body was causing me so much pain! The tremors were getting worse, and I was lifeless and fell asleep every time I sat down. This was the season to take care of our health, if it wasn’t too late! It’s not easy to turn things around, but if we want any quality of life we must do it.
We were shocked and disappointed when six weeks after the surgery Wilf’s throat shut down again and our insurance canceled us because we moved to Utah County. I felt my heart would faint with the financial burdens of our health and our business. God was trying to get our attention and we were ready to listen! It’s much easier taking care of your health than trying to rebuild it and it’s much easier putting weight on than taking it off! I always hated my body; I was too thin or too heavy, never just right. Perhaps that’s the reason my body was causing me so much pain! The tremors were getting worse, and I was lifeless and fell asleep every time I sat down. This was the season to take care of our health, if it wasn’t too late! It’s not easy to turn things around, but if we want any quality of life we must do it.
We prayed for answers to know the path God wanted us to take. He sends angels, seen and unseen, when we ask him. I was listening to the radio one day when a message of hope came through a song. “Please don’t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright!” My mother always loved that song and I felt her sending me this message! In the book “Healing with Angels” author Doreen Virtue says:
“We hear so much more about angels these days because it’s time for us to heal ourselves, our lives, and our world. As we move through the millennial shift, the angels are helping us heal the challenges and ills that keep us from reaching our highest potential. They are here to heal us from the effects of fear. They are powerful healers, and we can work with them to speed up our healing. The more we invite them into our lives, the more our lives will be like heaven. They cannot intervene without our permission. The angels want to help us adapt to our changing world by giving us energy and guidance that will shift our frequency. The angels are here to help us find peace and they will help us if we ask for their help. They don’t want us to wait until we’re desperate before we ask. We can mentally call on our guardian angels then witness the miracles that happen.”
Angels among us.
Angels among us.
I’ve been surrounded by angel healers for a long time and led to hidden treasures of knowledge that most people are not even aware of. I’m blessed to know many gifted angel healers!
Heidi worked on me again and Cindy took me to Marisol Gutteries, an iridologist trained by her father in Mexico. She told me I needed to cleanse my lymphatic system and liver, and she gave me a strict healing protocol. Cindy took me to a Mexican Market where we bought the things for my cleanse. Becky encouraged me to eat more raw foods. She told me what I suspected, that my life force was very low and my body was exhausted. She told me to treat my body as though I had cancer before it actually showed up! I was so tired I just wanted to leave this hard world and be with my parents, but as I diligently followed Marisol’s protocol and ate lots of fruits, I felt my strength coming back. I was hopeful that the Lord would restore my health if I worked hard.
When Wilf’s throat shut down the fourth time since his surgery, the doctors put him through lots of tests and took xrays before they finally opened his esophagus. We were so frustrated and discouraged because they had no answers for him. The one thing everyone agreed about - his condition was caused by acid, worry and stress and he needed an alkaline diet. When Becky said a raw liquid diet would heal his esophagus it felt right. A raw diet would be the best thing for both of us, but it overwhelmed me even thinking about it! The Lord was moving us both in a direction we didn’t want to go.
Changing one’s diet is a big challenge - no more going out for fast food. We began buying more fruits and veggies and we discovered the wonderful gift of smoothies, the ultimate fast food. Wilf faithfully followed a liquid diet and his weight began to drop and I was diligent with my cleanse. We were in the refiners fire, but we were not alone as angels and healers showed up to help us. The Lord sends ordinary people to be his angels, perhaps he moved us close to our family because of our health problems. It gives me a sense of peace knowing our angel children live near. Sometimes He calms the storm, but other times he lets the storms rage and calms his child.
Attending the temple helped us feel peace and calm. Miraculously, I was able to get up and down at the altar without pain when we were witnesses! When we sacrifice and do God’s work we’re blessed with more energy as well as time. As we learn to access the powers of heaven our faith increases. Faith without works is dead, as I worked hard my faith was getting stronger. My favorite scripture says:
“Have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men. For behold, they are subject unto him, to minister according to the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness.” Moroni 7: 29-30
When I call on the Savior he sends angels to bear me up, both Heavenly and mortal. There are many angels in my life – my angel children, Becky, my healer and coach, Karyn, an angel of light, and Wilf, my sweetheart. He gives me Priesthood blessings, and does the hard things around the house. He makes smoothies and fresh carrot juice and loves me, even when I’m unlovable. How blessed I am to be surrounded by angels! “Know my child, my kindness shall not depart from thee, mine angels shall encircle thee, with everlasting kindness will I succor thee!”
I believe we are very blessed to be alive at this time in history, a time when we will recover our spiritual gifts of intuition and healing. We’ve come here with many gifts and talents to lift and bless the lives of others. God wants us to focus our time and energy on helping each other. He’ll supply us with enough time, money, intelligence and anything else we need if we are willing to teach others about their true spiritual origin.
We were very happy to take Elder Sorn to the MTC after his arrival from Cambodia. Like his sister, Poyi, he was called to serve a mission in the United States. He is a wonderful missionary serving in Seattle, Washington. He was very excited to be a missionary and teach the gospel in the U.S. We are blessed to know this angelic young man, one more blessing coming from our amazing mission and the Job Foundation. “Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13:1-2 Angels are truly among us and some of them are our children and grandchildren!
Angel granddaughters!
Elder Sorn at the Missionary Training Center.
Angel granddaughters!
“There is a new breed of humans among us. They are highly psychic, strong-willed, imaginative, and they are here to usher in the new era of peace. They have little tolerance for dishonesty, meaningless tasks or pointless discussions. They elected to come to earth at this time to teach about the importance of speaking truth and living in harmony. The new energy calls for us to live in complete integrity and let go of things that aren’t honoring our true self. If we don’t let go of them we feel more and more pain. We have to let go of the old stuff to move forward. Many of these new “indigo children” have higher life expectancies than previous generations. They will grow up in the new energy following the millennial shift and will live to extremely old ages. Many conditions that are detrimental to health such as poor diet, stress and breathing toxic pollutents won’t be a factor. It will be a fresh clean world with more nutritious foods.” “Healing With the Angels” by Doreen Virtue
The Angel children are here.
I believe we each have a divine life purpose, an assignment we agreed to fulfill during our lifetime. Sometimes, in the middle of a crisis, we forget to ask for spiritual help until we realize that our human efforts are ineffective. I have much to learn. “Be strong and of a good courage and be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed. I will be with thee, I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Joshua 1:9
I am a strong woman, with the strength of my pioneer ancestors. I believe they help us when we ask for their help. I’m uniquely prepared to face these health trials with all the tools and things I’ve learned about healing, nutrition, herbs and essential oils. I know God leads me to the healers and doctors who can help me and I’m learning to call on my angels for help. I’m peaceful and calm about my future. A Course in Miracles says, “If you knew who walked beside you at all times, you could never experience fear again.” Miracles still happen and angels still minister to those who believe!
I am a strong woman, with the strength of my pioneer ancestors. I believe they help us when we ask for their help. I’m uniquely prepared to face these health trials with all the tools and things I’ve learned about healing, nutrition, herbs and essential oils. I know God leads me to the healers and doctors who can help me and I’m learning to call on my angels for help. I’m peaceful and calm about my future. A Course in Miracles says, “If you knew who walked beside you at all times, you could never experience fear again.” Miracles still happen and angels still minister to those who believe!
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