It’s hard to believe how much I spend on supplements
and doctors each month. I'm letting go of money worries and trusting there will be enough to buy the things I
need. President Chamberlain of the Jordan River Temple. blessed me that I would have enough money to
the end of my life. When fearful
thoughts come, I remember this blessing and trust in the Lord. There are many unknowns with Parkinson's, but God knows my future and will be with me on this journey. Most of the time I’m strong, but sometimes my faith is weak and I fear the future. In those moments I feel the darkness surround
me and I have no light to shine.
I’ve been processing a lot of emotions, some anger and some
tears. Sometimes I’m jealous when I see others my age and older who don’t have tremors and can eat anything they want. Eating sugar
is like adding fuel to a fire and ignites the nervous system, so I need to be careful with sweets. When I don’t get enough
sleep or work too hard the tremors are extra bad. Sickness
also makes them worse. At the end of the
day I’m completely worn out and my hand burns, and the muscles in my right arm
and leg are exhausted. They are becoming
numb and weak. My balance is getting
worse and typing is difficult with my jumping fingers.
When my future appears bleak I want to stay home and be a
reclusive person. It’s not like me, I‘ve always loved being with people and pleasing them. I love making others happy, but this is a burden because some people are impossible to please! I’ve been a workaholic but the work was never
done and there was never enough time. Now, I can let go of all these burdens. I have a good reason to stay in my home, out
of the limelight, and I no longer need to be perfect or worry about pleasing
others. It’s okay to rest and spend time
taking care of myself and my health. Recently
in the temple I felt a warm and loving confirmation that God is pleased with my
life. I’ve been a faithful daughter and
it is enough. It’s okay for me to do things differently than
I have in the past. President Hinckley
“The purpose of life is not made up
of 498 things “to do” but to take each stage of life, and do what we can, where
we are, to be more Christ-like in each phase of life, is to make the greatest
progress and fulfill the measure of our creation.”
This journey is an opportunity for me to accept and receive
help from others and learn to be more like Christ. It's my opportunity to be a human being
instead of a human doing! I can let go of
Martha-like behavior and embrace Mary. Dr.
Deepak Chopra says that people who believe they don’t have enough time are
probably going to develop health problems.
Heart attacks and other health problems are linked to a sense that
there’s never enough time. Time pressure
causes stress hormones to be released and if the person struggles against this,
his situation only gets worse. Type A
personalities, like me, are much more sensitive to time pressures than others,
believing that time is running out and life is a race to get all the jobs
done. Those who see timelessness draw
the infusion of Being into everything
they think and do and they can experience true immortality in this life!
Living in the moment.
Living in the moment.
Parkinson’s dis-ease is showing me my weaknesses and my fears. I can change the belief that I’m running
out of time. I can believe that life
is not a race and there is enough time to do all that I came to do. Instead of hiding I can look into the eyes of
others and smile at them. Most of my
life I wanted a different body and hated my weight. I was too thin or too fat, and never happy
with myself. I wished I had a pretty
nose and beautiful hair. I didn’t
appreciate my body or give it proper care, now I’m taking good care of my
health. This body is a wonderful
gift and I’m very grateful for the excellent health I've had throughout my life!
Our mission on earth is a spiritual mission, to find the truth
of who we really are, then integrate our divine essence into everything and fulfill
the measure of our creation. The first
part of our lives we acquire layer after layer of false beliefs about who we
are, as we try to get recognition from our parents and siblings, and avoid pain. Then we add more layers trying to get the
approval of our teachers and our peers.
We spend the first thirty years of life pretending to be somebody else, and
the rest of our lives trying to find our real self underneath it all.
Four generations of love.
Four generations of love.
Parkinson’s is leading me to the truth of who I am - I AM NOT
MY BODY. My body is doing some strange and funny
things, but those things are happening to my body, not to me. My body is separate from my spirit. I'm becoming acquainted with my soul and it's beautiful, loving and strong! As I lose
teeth, hair, balance and the ability to work and function, I am finding the
beautiful spirit that resides inside. I'm not my bank account, my accomplishments, my nose, my hair, or a collection of walking personality
disorders. I am spirit and I am love. I am strong and faithful, I am loving and
caring, and I am obedient and loyal. As
I learn who I really am, I am trusting God and his plan for my life instead of
my own. I believe the spoken word is
powerful, especially “I AM” affirmations.
The words “I Am” unlocks the power to create in God’s name,
when it is spoken in love. I know that I
am God’s child and I am a tiny part of him.
Dr. Wayne Dyer says:
“Every time you say ”I AM” you are saying God in me is, and thus drawing
to yourself whatever follows. Thought
creates, but the spoken word is needed to manifest into a physically tangible
vibration. Saying the words strengthens
their power and draws down more light, so repeat the affirmations as many times
as you feel you need to. Take advantage
of the power (of the word) from within which is always there for you.”
Hidden talents!
I’m grateful for the excellent health I’ve had these many
years in spite of my neglect, and I'm grateful for the days I see truth and
confront Satan’s lies. He has deceived me long enough! I'm letting go of distractions and the busy
chatter in my head. I’ve been so busy
with the non essentials, I couldn’t see the things that matter most. Many of us spend our lives on things that
matter very little. President Uchtdorf asked
dying patients if they had regrets about their lives, and many deeply regretted
spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of work. They felt they lost out on choice memories
that come from spending time with family and friends. President Uchtdorf said:
“Isn’t it true that we often get so
busy? And we even wear our busyness as a
badge of honor, as though being busy was an accomplishment or sign of a
superior life. Too many songs remained
unsung. Let us resolve to follow the
Savior and work with diligence to become the person we were designed to
become. Let us listen to and obey the
promptings of the Holy Spirit. As we do
so Heavenly Father will reveal to us things we never knew about ourselves. He will illuminate the path ahead and open
our eyes to see our unknown and perhaps unimagined talents. The more we rely on the Savior’s grace, the
more we will feel that we are on the track our Father in Heaven has intended
for us.
Life is not a race, it’s a journey. Enjoy the moment. No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. Perhaps we should be looking less with our eyes and more with our hearts. One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. This life is passing swiftly and our days seem to fade quickly. We cannot take for granted one single day. I pray that we will not wait until we are ready to die before we truly learn to live.”
Precious time with daughters and granddaughters.
Life is not a race, it’s a journey. Enjoy the moment. No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. Perhaps we should be looking less with our eyes and more with our hearts. One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. This life is passing swiftly and our days seem to fade quickly. We cannot take for granted one single day. I pray that we will not wait until we are ready to die before we truly learn to live.”
Precious time with daughters and granddaughters.
Trials and mistakes are simply opportunities for
learning. When there is a crisis in our
lives, we can evaluate the lessons we’re learning and use these lessons as
stepping stones to lift us to a higher plane.
Hard things become a catalyst to create positive strength. We are wiser and stronger when we overcome
opposition. We not only gain experience,
but learn who we are and what our gifts are, then we can use these gifts to
benefit others. Every woman has been
given the gift to nurture. I believe
that when the women of the world know who they really are, they will change the
Our granddaughters will change the world!
I have many spiritual gifts as a peacemaker and nurturer, but
I couldn’t see those gifts. President Uchtdorf said: "No matter what else we are or do in life, we must never forget that we are God's literal spirit children. We were His children before we came to this world, and will be His children forevermore. Satan would rather that you define yourself by your sins instead of your divine potential." Our journey is much harder when we listen to him.
Walk tall, daughters of God!
I'm grateful to know that God loves us and rejoices in our every effort to stand tall and every step we take toward him. I've been told by different energy workers that my spirit is often outside of my body, beside myself. When life seems too heavy my spirit leaves my body. Now, the tremors are bringing me back, they are a reminder to focus on becoming the person God intended me to be. He is “shaking me up real good” so I will let go of performance roles and trying to please others. I’ve found a new meaning for “fear and trembling.” My fears may have caused my tremors, but now my tremors are showing me my fears!
Walk tall, daughters of God!
I'm grateful to know that God loves us and rejoices in our every effort to stand tall and every step we take toward him. I've been told by different energy workers that my spirit is often outside of my body, beside myself. When life seems too heavy my spirit leaves my body. Now, the tremors are bringing me back, they are a reminder to focus on becoming the person God intended me to be. He is “shaking me up real good” so I will let go of performance roles and trying to please others. I’ve found a new meaning for “fear and trembling.” My fears may have caused my tremors, but now my tremors are showing me my fears!
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