Years ago I learned Reiki, Quantum Touch, and Rain Drop
Therapy. Cindy and I went to classes about healing with essential oils and Wilf and I had Rapid Eye Therapy,
an excellent modality for healing childhood wounds. I love to learn about energy,
it changed my life long before I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s.
Robert Jacobs, N.M.D. said, “The medicine of the future will be energy medicine.” Attaining our goals in healing, or anything we want in life, has everything to do with learning to work with energy – vibrations and frequency - learning to transform the undesirable into the desirable, thereby raising the frequency of our body. If there is dis-ease in our life this information can be very helpful. Most modalities of healing work from the outside in, but the most powerful methods have to do with learning to access the power within yourself, working from the inside out.
Robert Jacobs, N.M.D. said, “The medicine of the future will be energy medicine.” Attaining our goals in healing, or anything we want in life, has everything to do with learning to work with energy – vibrations and frequency - learning to transform the undesirable into the desirable, thereby raising the frequency of our body. If there is dis-ease in our life this information can be very helpful. Most modalities of healing work from the outside in, but the most powerful methods have to do with learning to access the power within yourself, working from the inside out.
Healing comes about through an internal transformation,
changing the energies inside the body.
The human body has a frequency of 62-68 MHz. Each dis-ease has its own frequency, cancer
at 42 MHz and colds at 58 MHz. If the
body vibrates at 42 MHz for a long enough period of time, cancer will manifest
in that body. It’s very important to
keep our energy at the higher levels to stay well. Albert Einstein said that everything is
“We can use 100% of our minds by becoming
aware of our energy and how to use it as a means for healing. Everything in life is energy and is formed
from vibration. These vibrations are the
result of the movement of the electrons and protons of every atom in every
molecule of every substance in the universe.
The human body comprises many energy fields, including light, heat,
sound magnetism, electricity and electromagnetism, all these surround and
interact with our bodies and their functions.
Nutrition is the transfer of energy.
The food we eat, if it is real food, is converted into electricity,
making it possible for us to function better.”
The human energy field is a luminous body that surrounds and
penetrates the physical body and is called the “aura.” The aura is an
expression of what is taking place within our minds, souls, spirits and
feelings. It’s the invisible energy
body. Any healing modality that deals
with the aura or the energy field, will jump start the body and give it an
added boost of energy. If the root cause of the illness is internal,
caused by buried or unresolved negative feelings, to be healed we need to combine what we’re doing with
spiritual healing, the power of God. We must deal with our negative feelings and
change the negative energy to positive energy or the condition that brought
about the disease will eventually manifest again.
When Jesus healed the sick he said, “go thy way and sin no
more.” True healing comes when the true cause is addressed and changed.
God can effect miraculous healing through many methods, but he will not
force us to change internally. We are
the ones who must choose the healing path, by changing our self.
The energy centers throughout our bodies are called
chakras. It’s important to open the
chakras and increase our energy flow; the more energy we allow to flow through
us, the healthier we are. Illness is
caused by an imbalance of energy or a block in the flow of energy. Acupuncture helps clear the blocks in the
energy pathways – the meridians. It
stimulates the central nervous system to release natural chemicals that
normalize stress hormone levels. I have acupuncture
treatments twice each month.
Our grandchildren have so much energy!!
Color is a part of the human energy field - the aura and
chakras. Learning to use the frequency
of colors consciously is very powerful.
Music and the spoken word are powerful tools to assist in the healing
process. Anything we do to raise our
vibrations or frequency will ultimately help in healing. We can eliminate toxins such as cigarette smoke, pesticides,
vapors, and chemical odors plus keep a harmonious environment in our home. We can avoid chemically altering our immune
systems as much as possible. Educating
ourselves about natural dietary changes, detoxification, alternative therapies,
herbal and other nutrients will bring huge benefits in securing a healthy
immune system. Diet and nutrition are the
healthy foundation of the immune system. We are what we eat! Maintaining healthy immune cells and
rebuilding lymphatic tissue depend on a good diet. This alone may be the change that positively
affects the immune system for the rest of our life.
All the methods to shake up the tissues and stimulate
circulation, such as neuro-lymphatic massage, colonics, color therapy, acupuncture etc. can help, but they can never
be complete until our intake of wrong foods is discontinued and a new menu of
real, organic, and natural mucus-less food is established. Most dis-ease is caused by eating food-less
foods. The secret to health lies in
internal cleanliness and regeneration, through live foods and exercise. Raw foods have a higher rate of healing
vibrations, and pills that are not real food
can upset the body intelligence. We
should always ask, “is this good enough to become part of me?”
Fresh fruits and vegetables in Cambodian street market.
Fresh, whole, unprocessed foods are full of life force or
energy. They nourish every cell, support
the body in healing, plus they don’t bog down our bodies with excess calories
and chemicals that our cells can’t
understand. The body can break down food
if it’s raw. Becky says raw foods turn
back the clock, sending a message to the cells that they can back up a little
and age more slowly. Aging in reverse
takes plenty of life force from food the way nature grew it, fresh vegetables
and fruits, nuts and seeds, and beans, and grains that haven’t been processed
to death. The body can reverse almost all degenerative conditions. Whole food
supplements are far superior than chemical and man-made supplements in reversing
the aging process. “If it came from a
plant – eat it! If it was made in a
plant – don’t eat it.” Seven ingredients to regenerate and rebuild
the body and build up the immune system are:
I need more rest but it’s really hard with Parkinson’s. The tremors never stop
except when I’m asleep, and they start again the minute my mind wakes
up. Throughout my life I never took time
for rest, I was too busy. I was always
in a hurry trying to get things done, especially when I was the mother of young
children. Now, I try to rest and spend a
few moments each day visualizing each organ and system surrounded by strong
energy, happy and in perfect balance! Learning to meditate and visualize can open
the door to the 90% of the mind that we don’t use.
It’s important to spend time in the sun each day. I love working outside in the sunshine in my
gardens. Even though weeding is harder for me now, it’s important to
work my weakening muscles, plus it’s very
therapeutic to work with the plants in my gardens, listen to the birds and
sounds of nature and soak up the sunshine.
I’m very grateful we finished our yard while I was well and strong.
Gardening in the morning sunshine.
Laughter is the best medicine! Becky
told me that watching a funny movie every day would be better than all the
supplements I’m taking! Staying
positive, peaceful and calm keeps us in a higher vibration and is critical for me. Negative thoughts go through our minds and
leave an energy trail. As we eliminate
the negative and become more positive our energy level increases. Listening to beautiful music also raises our
vibrations. I love using Karyn’s chakra
balancing oils and CD’s to open my chakras and my voice. The voice
is like a little bird in a cage that needs
to be let out. Humming or singing will
balance the chakras, as well as massage the brain. There is power in the music we listen to; classical
music is healing to the brain, but heavy metal music twists the DNA
Massage therapy is especially good for Parkinson
patients. The feathering touch turns on
the neuro receptors. Rain drop therapy,
dropping essential oils along the spinal column, is very healing to the body. Essential oils were
mankind’s first medicine. They are the life blood of plants and can be used to maintain and raise the energy
level. Karyn’s oils, Scents of Peace,
are the purest oils I’ve found. I’m grateful that my daughter, Missy, is a
massage therapist. She and Karyn give me
wonderful massages! Karyn uses her oils
plus Bach Flower Remedies.
Edward Bach, the father of Bach Flower therapy said, “Behind all disease lies our fears, our anxieties, our greed, our likes and dislikes.” Wandering in the English countryside Bach was struck with a spark of divine revelation. Magnified around him, he suddenly noticed beautiful flowers carpeting the meadows. He instinctively knew that these flowers held the answers to healing personality types. This inspiration led him to identify a system of picking and categorizing each flower, placing each one in a crystal bowl of spring water, the universal solvent, and left them to bask in the sunlight. Slowly, the essence of each flower absorbed into the water.
Edward Bach, the father of Bach Flower therapy said, “Behind all disease lies our fears, our anxieties, our greed, our likes and dislikes.” Wandering in the English countryside Bach was struck with a spark of divine revelation. Magnified around him, he suddenly noticed beautiful flowers carpeting the meadows. He instinctively knew that these flowers held the answers to healing personality types. This inspiration led him to identify a system of picking and categorizing each flower, placing each one in a crystal bowl of spring water, the universal solvent, and left them to bask in the sunlight. Slowly, the essence of each flower absorbed into the water.
Wilf's beautiful flower garden.
All homeopathic remedies, including Bach Flower Remedies,
heal on a vibrational level. The emotional center of the brain is wired to the nose. All
other brain functions are wired to the frontal part of the brain. When we support
the body’s natural functions with proper diet and lifestyle, nutrients,
acupuncture and gentle adjustments, the body can learn to self-regulate and
balance itself. Dr. John Christopher,
the father of herbs said:
“I will be a doctor without cutting
people up. Health is our greatest
wealth. We can learn the relationship
between diet and health. We need live foods.
If the blood stream is clean, you will not get any disease.”
My herb garden for the kitchen as well as healing.
Our life forces becomes stronger when we increase in health,
understanding, self-confidence, awareness of this earth and our place on
it, and when we have a desire to serve
others. Whenever one person improves,
all mankind benefits. When we raise
ourselves to a higher plane of thought or action, ripples go out from us to
lift others, blessing not only our self but the entire planet. The word of wisdom is a
principle with many promises, but one not often spoken about is:
“And I, the Lord, give unto them a
promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of
Israel, and not slay them.” Doctrine & Covenants 89: 21
I believe that dis-ease could be the destroying angel; it
destroys so many lives and robs us of the opportunity to serve. There are many hidden treasures of knowledge
being revealed in these exciting times!
I especially love the energy connection!! Understanding energy is a
blessing to all who want to heal, not only the body but their entire life. “The fervent desire to heal yourself, your
loved ones, and the suffering of our planet will evoke the mightiest response
from God.” Faith healing is energy work!
As we become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ, we are lifted up into the higher
vibration of unconditional love, the highest vibration, and we are surrounded by
an armor of light that no dis-ease can penetrate!
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