Tuesday, July 30, 2013




We took a quick trip to California with Cindy and her girls to help our granddaughter, Hannah in the Miss Fountain Valley Pageant.   Hannah was a shining star on stage, modest, feminine and beautiful!  She won a $2000 scholarship as the second runner up even though she is only 17 years old. 

                          Hannah, 2nd runner up to Miss Fountain Valley.

We are amazed by our beautiful granddaughters, all pageant princesses, and all shining examples of purity, modesty and femininity.  They are happy, loving and delightful young women!  Their energy is bright and full of light.  Unlike my generation they know who they are; they are the children of light!  They are here to lead us to the light and help us see our true identity.        

Kami and  Bethany, Miss Lehi Outstanding Teen.

A wise healer said,  “Go  within or go without”  We are divine within.  The divine presence is the treasure within! It is the perfect love inside and the divine nature.  Our true self is the child of God.  The fearful self is the imposter and the mask we wear.  Life is a journey of self-discovery; we spend our life trying to be someone else while our true self waits patiently for us to come to it. When God reveals to us our true self there is much more of us to find.  When we awaken the divine presence within we become God’s light bearers, then everyone is touched by his light that shines through us.   The peace and presence of God fills our mind, giving us spiritual vision to see everything as he created it.   Children get it right away and live every day with delight, but we adults have forgotten that we are divine, we are joyful and we are creators!  

                                            Our joyful grand children!

What greater prison is there  than the darkness of fear and self doubt.   Most of my life I feared I would never be good enough, but I didn’t need to prove my worth to anyone.  Our true self doesn’t need fame, recognition or approval.  Recently I had surgery on my face to remove cancer.  The scar is much bigger than I thought it would be and one more blow to my disappearing ego.  It’s another reminder that it’s not the outward appearance that counts but what’s on the inside.  Why do I still seek the approval of others?  My search for approval leads to frustration and disappointment and makes my tremors worse.  If I were to reclaim my little child what would I find?  Perhaps I’d find a beautiful, happy and delightful little girl full of love, like my granddaughters.  That little girl is my true self and she is already perfect.
                                        Mylee,  happy and delightful little girl.

We are divine within and we were sent here to find that divinity.  We don’t have to worry about what people think, and we don’t have to be all things to all people.  I can love and accept myself in spite of my looks, fears and weaknesses.  If we are confused about whether we are lovable, strong and valuable we will never find out by trying to prove it to our self.  Earning love by acting nice or looking good always ends in failure because we always come back to self doubt,   where we began in the first place.  The search for love ends when we look inward and find our true self.  After all the layers of the onion are peeled off we find that we are love, and we are divine.  Life is a beautiful journey when we conquer our fears and find our true divinity.  

It’s there waiting to be uncovered, but often we are so busy trying to avoid pain and disappointment that we cannot find the peaceful divine child within or see the love all around us.   Within us there is a sanctuary we can retreat to at any time and be our self.  It’s a simple awareness of comfort and love which cannot be violated by the turmoil, drama or pain around us. It is the mental space we find in quiet meditation and surrender.

“Fill the chalice of the soul with the living waters of the Spirit and step into the Light.  Before the chalice can be filled, it must first be emptied of all the littleness of anger and hurt, all the rubbish we carry around inside us.  Many prefer their limited self which contains very little compared to the great ocean of the Spirit, which contains everything.  If we are unwilling to give up the little self, we cannot enter the eternal joy of the Spirit.”    John-Rogers 

All of our difficulties, our pains and troubles must be loved and embraced, for these are the lessons we have chosen to learn.  We must surrender our old ways of thinking and walk on in trust, accepting all that happens to us – even if we don’t understand it – as a gift from God.  “Let go and let God” take care of everything.  Prayer is the most powerful force for change:

“Please God, help me find the divine presence within, living in wholeness, joy and love.  Bring the radiance of your light into my heart and mind so I can manifest your will upon the Earth. Wherever my thoughts have strayed from love, please help me see differently, and please open my heart to the perfect love inside.”

Life is not a problem to be solved, it’s a journey of awakening. Albert Einstein said, “The significant problems in our lives cannot be solved at the same level of understanding we were at when we created them.”    Addictive cravings are actually a craving for divine love, but love is already within us; we don’t need a substance or another person in order to feel loved. We know we are living in our true self when we are more loving and caring toward our self and others.  The divine nature brings calmness and peace, it inspires others to greatness, and it creates health instead of sickness. 

                                       Grandchildren bring love and great joy!  
When we visualize the very best of our self and feel the joy and love flowing within, we are experiencing our divine nature, our real self!  Instead of seeing yourself as a stressed out human being seeking for a spiritual experience, see your true self, a spiritual being having a human experience.  On some level I know I came to earth to be a healer, not a medical nurse like my sister, but a nurse to heal wounds of the soul.  As I help others find the path to healing, I will heal as well.  The truth of one’s real self can be discovered by living each day with love, caring and kindness to yourself and all that lives. This is true charity, the most powerful transformation force of all! 

“If ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth,  charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him….pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love.”   Moroni 7: 46-48

Louise L. Hay said “In order to permanently eliminate a condition, we must first work to dissolve the mental cause.”  Negative emotions such as fear, anger, and grief must be uncovered and released.  Failing to let go of these emotions can cause self-sabotaging behaviors, destructive beliefs, phobias and many chronic illnesses, making it much easier to  get into the drug cycle.  Our frequency adjusts according to our thoughts and emotions.  Those who worry, fret, and obsess have low frequencies while those who pray, meditate, give service and express love have higher frequencies.  This is a process of “ascension” and the journey of discovering and uniting with God.  Marianne Williamson said:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, or fabulous?  Actually who are you not to be?  You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”                                                   

It’s safe to be powerful.  When I’m powerful in a loving way, it benefits others as well as myself!   I can learn to nurture without draining my energy.  I came to be a witness for truth, not a rescuer who takes others burdens on their own back.  The rescued often learn to give their problems away and never change.  I can help others see truth, but it’s up to them whether they want to change. Each one of us has the responsibility to find our own pathway to God.  Some choose to move away from the light and become sons of darkness, but this is only for a moment in the eternity of God. These sons of darkness will turn again to the light and fulfill their destiny.   

“Everything that lives sings in harmony with this song of nature’s symphony, except thoughts we think and then we weave, into theories of truth which we believe.  And these stubborn beliefs have made us blind to the sacred wonders within our minds, for that’s the place where magic dwells, and the music flows from boundless wells.”

                                              Believe in your self! 

Finding the true divine nature within will change your life in many ways.  It opens you to new possibilities, miraculous interventions, and healings. Changes are inevitable when you open your mind, heart, and life to the divine spirit.  These changes can be wonderful if you allow yourself to trust the process.   This is a divinely ordered universe.  Instead of worrying about how things will work out, we need to put our time and energy into holding positive thoughts about what we desire.  Through the law of attraction we will draw those situations and experiences into our lives. “Oh God, make me an instrument of thy peace until I awaken the divine in me.”  
                                             The age of discovery.  

Ancient Bones       by Valerieann J. Skinner

Found lying deep within the ruins, the ancient bones---appearing to be dead, the indestructible soul--spirit, the true Self---waiting to be fleshed out again. Here lie our truths and longings, waiting for creation.  Find the seed within, the perfect record of who you are.  Breathe into it the breath of life!  Discover for yourself, the Universe, as an ancient tree- growing, waiting to shoot forth new growth - the creation of your Divine Self, The Creator!

                                                The divine child is within.

If we can undo the source of pain, suffering and dis-ease in this life, we will rise to the level of joy that we came to experience.  “Man is that he might have joy,” but many of us see life as a struggle.  Few people know what it’s like to live without fear, but beyond fear is joy.  When life becomes effortless the source of suffering is gone.  A door in my mind is opening, “please let pure love, light and truth enter in and fill my soul, my mind, and my heart, and help me awaken the divine presence within me.”   Then I’ll see the richness of my soul and feel the presence of God in my heart – truly the treasure within!

Sarah, grandchild of light.

1 comment:

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